Secrets of the ancient world. An Empire in turmoil. Inventions that nearly...
A psychic fox companion. A curse that haunts her family. Nothing will...
In a city where magic and danger intertwine, Remi Wilde faces the...
Ekaterina "Kat" Dashkova and a young Ben Franklin investigate supernatural forces amid...
Brutal game mechanics. A clever heroine. The two collide in this gut-twisting...
Gabby DeCorte, top student and reality-hacker extraordinaire, has been doing whatever it...
A spellbinding fantasy series about power, dark magic, and the bonds of...
Explore the edge of augmented reality with tales from many fantastic authors....
These 28 books make up the first Season of the Hundred Halls.
A tale of power, privilege, dark magic, and betrayal set among the...
Magic, Martial Arts, and Criminal Networks are infiltrating the Hundred Halls. The...
Separated from his friends in a brutal game of survival. Secrets uncovered...
The Order of Merlin is a complete stand-alone contemporary epic fantasy trilogy...
A daring heist. A dangerous betrayal. Only one chance to save his...