The Hundred Halls Series
The Hundred Halls is a multi-series contemporary fantasy universe set in the world's only magical academy
This is the series that started it all, but with 25 books and counting you can spend hours escaping to this magical world. Start your adventure with the first series of books today!
Fantastic Families. Magical Academies. Epic Adventures.
A spellbinding contemporary fantasy series about power, dark magic, and the bonds of family.
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Trials of Magic (Book 1)
"There are exactly one hundred halls of magic to choose from. Ever since our parents were killed I knew exactly which hall was for me."
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Includes Trials of Magic, Web of Lies, and Alchemy of Souls.
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Includes Trials of Magic, Web of Lies, Alchemy of Souls, Gathering of Shadows, and City of Sorcery.